
AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse provides access to AccuRev version-control facilities from the Eclipse Platform IDE.

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Accurev Plug-In for Eclipse 2024.1
4.9 MB
Apr 10, 2024
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Product compatibility
Version 7.5 · 7.4
Release notes

AccuRev Eclipse plug-in 2024.1 includes the following enhancements and fixes:

  • Adds support for the new Eclipse versions: 4.26, 4.27, 4.28, and 4.29.
  • AccuRev Eclipse plug-in is updated to reflect that Micro Focus is now Open Text.
  • Includes security fixes to prevent cyber threat.
AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse 2021.1
6.6 MB
Dec 2, 2021
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Product compatibility
Version 7.5 · 7.4
Release notes

AccuRev Eclipse plug-in 2021.1 includes the following enhancements and fixes:

  • Upgraded OpenJDK 8 (Zulu) to OpenJDK 11 (Zulu) in the plug-in.
  • Added new command line arguments to invoke authentication token (-A) in AccuRev commands from Eclipse plug-in.
  • Included security fixes to prevent cyber threat.

Note: Eclipse software versions that run on JDK 8 should use AccuRev Eclipse plug-in version 2019.2.

AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse 2019.2
6.8 MB
Mar 9, 2021
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Product compatibility
Version 7.5 · 7.4
Release notes

Release highlights

  • Enhanced filtering capability in CPK window
  • Added support for direct Keep & Promote from Eclipse IDE

Enhancements and fixed issues

  • 640778: Remove from issue for numeric invalid input, should throw proper AccuRev message.

Appropriate error message is now shown, when user enters invalid numeric input when performing Remove from Issue.

  • 640779 : Remove from issue, all possible file statuses are not removed.

Remove from issue would work for all file statuses including "backed" file(s) which was not happening in previous release.

  • 640780: RFE: Remove from issue / Send to Issues, the pop-ups message format to be redesigned.

Pop-up error messages for Send to Issue & Remove from Issue are rephrased & redesigned to display appropriate context.

  • 640781: RFE: Add or Remove from issue, dialog box should display Issue(s).

This issue is fixed now.

  • 640782: RFE: Remove Synchronize Time.

Functionality has been removed, as standard user cannot perform this operation.

  • 640783 : AccuRev Searches doesn't work if the project is imported using .project file.

When projects are imported using .project file to Eclipse, AccuRev searches do not work as expected. This issue is fixed now.

  • 640784: BUG: Stream Browser should be disabled for the external files.

Stream browser option is disabled for external file(s).

  • 640785: Rename should be disabled, when selecting external file, and when multiple files are selected.

Rename functionality must be disabled for external file(s). This has been handled as part of this fix.

  • 640786: RFE: Add support to Keep & Promote directly from the Eclipse IDE.

Now user will be able to perform AccuRev "Keep" & "Promote" operations on external file(s).

  • 640787 : Disabling AddToDepot, Keep and Promote AccuRev actions in Eclipse IDE for ignored external files.

AddToDepot, Keep and Promote AccuRev actions is disabled now, for ignored external file(s).

  • 1117742 / 640788 RFE: Enhancing the filter capability in CPK window for filtering the issues in a better way.

Filter capability of CPK window of Eclipse is now aligned and working as per the AccuRev Issue/CPK window.

  • 636088: On Linux, Logout prompt gets hidden by Progress info prompt.


AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse 2019.1
13.9 MB
Mar 9, 2021
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Product compatibility
Version 7.5 · 7.4
Release notes

Highlights of this Release

  • Open JDK (Zulu) support.
  • CAPI Logs are enabled for Debug logging.
  • Auto import only for valid AccuRev project.
  • Remove from issue from multiple files & multiple issues.
  • AccuRev server load is optimized by reducing no of unnecessary calls for RHEL.
  • Blank screen issue on RHEL is resolved.
  • 'Refresh Via F5' on preference page, now does AccuRev refresh on Eclipse UI.

37464 - Open JDK (Zulu) support

Zulu Open JDK is supported from this release.

637465 - CAPI II logs enabled

You can now see the exact AccuRev command triggered by the plugin, as INFO in the log.

637466 - Auto import as AccuRev project only if the user is logged in and server is in acclient.cnf list

Previously, if a project contained the .accurev folder, it was shown as AccuRev project in Eclipse. This defect is now fixed.

637467 - Remove from Issue doesn't throw error for invalid issue

Previously, if a user provided an invalid issue ID in a remove from issue operation, no error was returned. This defect is now fixed.

637468 - Remove from issue from multiple files and multiple issues

Users can now remove multiple files from multiple issues, as supported by AccuRev client.

637469 - AccuRev Update Preview not showing right window

AccuRev Update Preview now displays the details on AccuRev console.

637470 - Linux RHEL: Show Properties and AR Workspace info option shows blank window behind the actual window

No blank window will appear during any AccuRev operation performed on RHEL

637471 - Disabling checkbox option 'Refresh Via F5' on preference page, still does refresh on Eclipse UI

In earlier releases, AccuRev Eclipse plugin didn't honor the option available in preference page "Enable AccuRev refresh via F5" functionality. This is now fixed.

637472 - RHEL: Many STAT call are made to AccuRev server on

In earlier releases for RHEL machine, accurev refresh was triggering may STAT calls to AccuRev server. This is now fixed.

637473 - AccuRev refresh should shift the focus to AccuRev Console

In earlier releases, AccuRev refresh was not pulling up AccuRev console in focus. This is now fixed.

621566 - Login to AccuRev is necessary to read AccuRev meta data

In earlier releases, AccuRev Eclipse plugin was using the .meta files to store the meta data. As per current design, these .meta files are no longer used.

635768 - Send to Issue doesn't throw error for invalid issue

If user provides any invalid issue id for send to issue, it will be ignored now on.

1098152 - Requesting Eclipse plugin be available in Eclipse Marketplace

Eclipse Plugin is available in marketplace.

1113644 & 1113645 - DOC: Eclipse Plugin creates new/conflicting environment variable AccuRev_HOME

Document is updated

Known issues

  • 1109146 - Blank Depot despite being logged into AccuRev.
  • 627524 - AccuRev plugin upgrade fails. Workaround: User is advised to launch Eclipse with -clean option, after the plugin upgrade.
AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse 2018.3
13.4 MB
Mar 9, 2021
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Product compatibility
Version 7.5 · 7.4
Release notes

Highlights of this Release

  • Support for Eclipse Photon (4.8.x)
  • Utilize existing AccuRev session in Eclipse
  • Auto-detect AccuRev workspace project
  • Check out existing workspace from a different workstation to local
  • Change AccuRev plug-in log to user home directory
  • Provide warnings in AccuRev if binary is missing

AccuRev Git Feature

  • Progress bar for AccuRev Git fetch, pull, and clone

AccuRev Features

1113643, 1113646 – Provide warning if AccuRev binary is not found in the configured location

In previous releases, if the configured path to AccuRev is missing, no information was conveyed to the user. This has been fixed in current release. Now, if the configured AccuRev binary is not available, the user is shown an error prompt when performing Eclipse AccuRev operations.

635767 - "Send to Issue" not working when sending multiple files to multiple issues

In previous releases, the user was not able to send multiple files to multiple issues. This has been fixed in the current release.

636039 - Provide support for Eclipse Photon (4.8.x)

In this release, the AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse supports Eclipse Photon (4.8.x). This version is ackwards[1]compatible with older Eclipse versions (4.2.2 and higher).

636040 - AccuRev Search/Status page icons are missing

In the previous release, the AccuRev Search/Status tab icons for Refresh & Pin were missing. They have been restored in the current release.

636041 - Diff against Backed & File on Disk showing blank on Linux

In the previous release, sometimes AccuRev "Diff against Backed" and "Diff against File on Disk" didn't display the contents properly. This has been fixed in the current release.

636042 - Auto-Detect AccuRev project

In previous releases, if an existing AccuRev workspace was imported into Eclipse, it was imported as a non-AccuRev project. In the current release, if a user imports an existing workspace into Eclipse as a normal project, it will get automatically mapped as an AccuRev project.

636043 - Unnecessary server calls when user tries to use AccuRev Sharing wizard

In previous releases, when the user tried to share an Eclipse project to AccuRev, it resulted in a lot of unnecessary calls to the AccuRev server, which can result in server latency. This has been fixed in the current release.

636044 - Checkout existing workspace from different workstation to local

In previous releases, a user wasn't allowed to import changes from a workspace in a different system. This has been fixed in the current release. Now the user can move workspaces from another machine to the local machine, with last kept changes.

635981 The Underlap search option on the AccuRev Search/Status page is missing

In the previous release, when user searches for "Underlap items" from the context menu, the AccuRev Search/Status page didn’t show items in (underlap) status, and the Underlap search was missing from search dropdown. This has been fixed in the current release.

636046 - Migrate Eclipse AccuRev session management from server.xml to system session

In previous releases, the Eclipse AccuRev plugin maintained its own AccuRev session information in the servers.xml file. This has been changed in the current release. Now the plugin will utilize the existing session created by the AccuRev client or GUI.

636047 - Move AccuRev plugin log to user home directory

In the previous release, the plug-in's log file, accurev_plugin.log, used to be created in the Eclipse install folder. This has been changed in the current release. Now the accurev_plugin.log will be created in the user home directory with the new name of accurev_eclipse_plugin.log

636049 - When sharing an Eclipse project with AccuRev, should perform Add action instead of Promote

In the previous release, when the user finished sharing a new eclipse project with AccuRev, the promote prompt was presented. In the current release, this has been changed to “Add to Depot.”

AccuRev Git Feature 636069 - Showing progress during cloning IDE for Git operations

In the current release, when a user clones the AccuRev GitClient stream, the progress bar will reflect the fetch, pull and cloning status accordingly.

Known issues in the AccuRev Plug-In for Eclipse

• If upgrading from an older plug-in, the user may encounter some exceptions from the Eclipse core. The upgrade doesn’t remove the older version plug-in .jars, which might cause plugin registration issues and initialization errors. It is recommended to do run eclipse with the “-clean” argument after upgrading. If this error still occurs, uninstall the plug-in and do a fresh install of the new plug-in.

• If a user creates Eclipse projects with .accurev in its parent/root directory, the project will get mapped as an AccuRev project, even if it's not a valid AccuRev workspace. If the user wants, the user can un-share the project from AccuRev context menu to convert it into a normal Eclipse project.


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release-rel-2025-3-2-6337 | Mon Mar 17 22:14:31 PDT 2025