OpenText MF Connect Core is a data synchronization technology that provides data and relationship synchronization between products across the software development Agile/DevOps application lifecycle.
OpenText MF Connect Core replaces point-to-point integration with a single synchronization engine, and connector framework.
MF Connect lowers administrative costs by providing a single integration hub and smart synchronization capabilities.
MF Connect also enables full transparency and traceability into software delivery across teams, projects and locations - using OpenText ADM Lifecycle and Portfolio Management products and solutions. By doing so, customers can better mitigate risk, increase quality and speed up software delivery.
MF Connect is a strategic integration and synchronization technology—provided by the OpenText ADM product group.
OpenText MF Connect Core is available free-of-charge to all OpenText customers when using to synchronize data with OpenText products, only. Customers must have an active support and maintenance agreement.
This marketplace page contains the Core utility for enabling synchronization.
Individual connectors are available from the following Connectors AppDelivery Marketplace page.
OpenText MF Connect Core allows you to configure the information from the connector in any manner you like. Starting with an auto-map of your information, you can quickly start synchronizing content across products, even splitting information up into more granular projects and teams. Whether it is sharing information with your test team in the tool of their choice, reporting on the progress of requirements or teams managing their release backlog, the information can be shared across products, teams and configurations.
For general assistance with MF Connect, please consider the following:
Requirements can be found here.
Suggested for you are based on app category, product compatibility, popularity, rating and newness. Some apps may not show based on entitlements. Learn more about entitlements.
If you are upgrading from an older version and you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the Connect support team via a support ticket. It is strongly recommended to create a full backup and to test and validate the upgrade on a test system prior to upgrading your production system(s).
Multi-node setups of Connect are not currently supported.
See online documentation and readme files for details.
If you are upgrading from an older version and you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the Connect support team via a support ticket.
It is strongly recommended to create a full backup and to test and validate the upgrade on a test system prior to upgrading your production system(s)
See online documentation and readme files for details.
This patch is recommended to all customers of MF Connect 24.2 who require accesibility capabilities.
This patch is not a standalone package.
Instead, it requires an MF Connect 24.2 base installation.
This patch is to be applied manually on-top of the existing base installation.
Patch content:
Fixed and improved keyboard navigation and interaction according to Ext.JS accessability standards and best practices. Please read the documentation included with this patch for usage details.
Deployment instructions:
Step #1:
Assuming MFC 24.2 release build is already installed, stop the MicroFocus Connect Web Server service (Windows) or job (Linux).
Step #2:
Make a copy of ConnectWeb.war file located in the subfolder "war" of the base Connect install folder.
This copy should be to a location outside of the Connect installation.
Step #3:
Replace the .war as follows:
Download and unzip file from the OpenText marketplace.
Copy and overwrite the contained .war file into the war folder.
Make sure that the war folder contains the replaced war file and the second untouched war file (for example, on Linux, make sure that there are no duplicates that only differ in uppercase/lowercase).
Step #4:
Navigate to the <Connect-Install-Dir>/WebServer/webapps folder.
Remove the folder tree ConnectWeb (if present).
Step #5:
Restart the MicroFocus Connect Web Server service/job.
Step #6:
Verify Connect component versions via Connect About dialog by doing the following:
Navigate to Connect UI with web browser and force the browser to refresh the page via reload/F5.
Login and open the Connect About dialog (via menu in top-right corner).
At the bottom of the Connect About dialog, the following versions should be displayed:
- Connect UI: 24.2-HF1.8
If other values are shown, then the patch has not been applied correctly.
Please double-check your update steps and contact support if further assistance is required.
Step #7:
Verify that the keyboard navigation works as per the documentation.
If you have any question or encounter issues, please create a ticket with OpenText support (see steps described above).
Since the release of MF Connect 24.1, we ask all existing customers of prior versions of MF Connect to strongly consider upgrading to this release of MF Connect.
This includes upgrading from MF Connect 4.4.3.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the upgrade, please reach out to the Connect support team via a support ticket.
It is strongly recommended to create a full backup and to test and validate the upgrade on a test system prior to upgrading your production system(s).
See online documentation and core readme file for details.
This patch is recommended to all customers of MF Connect 24.1.1 who utilize email notification.
This patch is not a standalone package.
Instead, it requires an MF Connect 24.1.1 base installation.
This patch is to be applied manually on-top of the existing base installation.
Patch content:
Fixed an issue with email notification not working correctly and "Test settings" failure after a user clicks "Save" and reopens the settings page.
Deployment instructions:
Step #1:
Assuming MFC 24.1.1 release build is already installed, stop the MicroFocus Connect Web Server service (Windows) or job (Linux).
Step #2:
Make a copy of connectRest.war and ConnectWeb.war files located in the subfolder "war" of the base Connect install folder.
This copy should be to a location outside of the Connect installation.
Step #3:
Replace the .war’s as follows:
Download and unzip file from the OpenText marketplace.
Copy and overwrite the two contained .war files into the war folder.
Make sure that the war folder only contains these two replaced war files (for example, on Linux, make sure that there are no duplicates that only differ in uppercase/lowercase).
Step #4:
Navigate to the <Connect-Install-Dir>/WebServer/webapps folder.
Remove the 2 folders trees connectREST and ConnectWeb (if present).
Step #5:
Restart the MicroFocus Connect Web Server service/job.
Step #6:
Verify Connect component versions via Connect About dialog by doing the following:
Navigate to Connect UI with web browser and force the browser to refresh the page via reload/F5.
Login and open the Connect About dialog (via menu in top-right corner).
At the bottom of the Connect About dialog, the following versions should be displayed:
- Connect UI:
- Connect Rest:
If other values are shown, then the patch has not been applied correctly.
Please double-check your update steps and contact support if further assistance is required.
Step #7:
Verify that the UI issue is fixed with Test Settings and also verify if email notifications work.
If you have any question or encounter issues, please create a ticket with OpenText support (see steps described above).
Since the release of MF Connect 24.1, and thus also with this release of 24.1.1, we ask all existing customers of prior versions of MF Connect to strongly consider upgrading to this (or a later) release of MF Connect.
This includes upgrading from MF Connect 4.4.3.
Please note that this is a full release of MF Connect - it is not a Service Pack or patch for 24.1.
According to OpenText version numbering policy, 24.1.1 denotes the second release in the first quarter of calendar year 2024.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the upgrade, please reach out to the Connect support team via a support ticket.
It is strongly recommended to create a full backup and to test and validate the upgrade on a test system prior to upgrading your production system(s).
See online documentation and core readme file for details.
With this release of MF Connect 24.1, we ask all existing customers of prior versions of MF Connect to strongly consider upgrading to this (or later) release of MF Connect.
This includes upgrading from MF Connect 4.4.3.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the upgrade, please reach out to the Connect support team via a support ticket.
It is strongly recommended to create a full backup and to test and validate the upgrade on a test system prior to upgrading your production system(s).
See online documentation and core readme file for details.
At this time, existing customers on MF Connect 4.4.3 are recommended to stay on 4.4.3 (but get latest hotfixes for 4.4.3 via support case).
Instead, the MF Connect team will reach out to customers that are considered suitable for upgrading to 23.4.
See online documentation and core readme file for details.
At this time, MF Connect 23.3 is recommended for new customers, only.
Existing customers of MF Connect on version 4.4.3 are recommended to stay on 4.4.3 for now, and to upgrade to the latest hotfix bundle for 4.4.3 (please create a support case for this upgrade).
The release 23.3 is the successor of prior Connect release 4.5.
Version nomenclature is changing from <major>.<minor> to <year>.<quarter> as per OpenText standard.
See online documentation and core readme file for details.
At this time, MF Connect 4.5 is recommended for new customers, only
Existing customers of MF Connect on version 4.4.3 are recommended to stay on 4..4.3 for now, and to upgrade to the latest hotfix bundle for 4.4.3 (please create a support case for this upgrade).
The latest bundle for 4.4.3 includes improvements that are not available for MF Connect 4.5, yet.
Please refer to the online documentation for more details about MF Connect.
See documentation for details.
See documentation for details
This Hot Fix build resolves the Log4j2 CVE-2021-45105, by upgrading the Log4j2 library to Version 2.17.0
For users of Micro Focus Connect Core 4.4.1 (and any recent Hot Fixes for 4.4.1), you should download this release and follow the installation notes provided (InstallationNotes.txt)
For users who have an older version of Micro Focus Connect Core (4.4.0 and below) it is recommended you first upgrade to 4.4.1, then follow the provided installation instructions for this release. If you are unable to upgrade to 4.4.1, please follow the recommended mitigation strategies outlined generally on this page, or those described on the Apache Log4j site.
This Hot Fix build resolves the Log4j2 issues, CVE-2021-45046 and CVE-2021-44228, by upgrading the Log4j2 library to Version 2.16.0
For users of Micro Focus Connect Core 4.4.1 (and any recent Hot Fixes for 4.4.1), you should download this release and follow the installation notes provided (InstallationNotes.txt)
For users who have an older version of Micro Focus Connect Core (4.4.0 and below) it is recommended you first upgrade to 4.4.1, then follow the provided installation instructions for this release. If you are unable to upgrade to 4.4.1, please follow the recommended mitigation strategies outlined generally on this page, or those described on the Apache Log4j site.
See documentation for details
Known Issue: User sees this error, "Activity tree has not been cached yet.", when expanding a node in the audit tree. This happens when the user navigates to another top-level tab, and then returns to the "Connections" tab. The user will need to re-run the audit query.
Customer Server Items Fixed
Server Updates
Service Now Connector
Dimensions CM Connector
Rally Connector
Octane Connector
ALM Connector
AccuWork Connector
RPI 646851 - SD02767486 - Items continuously updating even when there are no changes (when using isModified criteria)
RPI 646977 - SD02765731 - MFConnect unable to distinguish between comment and item IDs - IDs overlap
RPI 646977 - SD02765731 - MFConnect unable to distinguish between comment and item IDs - IDs overlap
RPI 1120866 - SD02735947 - Null Pointer Exception in ALM/QC Connector @ ALMTreeParser.treeParser
RPI 1120899 - SD02738358 - ALM/QC Comment Parser loses historical comments
RPI 647190 - SD02756779 - ALM/QC - Azure DevOps - Duplicates created in ALM/QC during synchronisation
Improved performance when filtering on parent items
RPI 1121038 - SD02751477, updated README to describe workaround for the milestones problem.
RPI 646977 - SD02765731 - MFConnect unable to distinguish between comment and item IDs - IDs overlap
RPI 646952 - SD02763991 - Performance improvement, only fetch attachments if needed during isSimilar determination
Known Issues (currently open)
SD02677500 - Syncing comment from Azure Dev Ops to ALM Octane causes defect to be created from comment
SD02705256 - Comments sync bi-directionally even though configured uni-directionally
SD02732907 - Jira Board with project name in query instead of key throws AbortConnectionIterationException
SD02732907 - Jira Project with large number (57K+) of issues runs out of memory
SD03231220 - Jira Single List and MultiList default values should allow None
In addition the following items are also being targeted for the next hotfix. SD02709922,SD02707224,SD02731728,SD02732305,SD02718737,SD02701008 and RPI 1120772
Additional Notes:
ALM/QC Connector
Octane Connector
Rally Connector
Silk Central Test Manager
SBM Connector
Fixed documentation issues with incorrect library bundles being referenced
NOTE: After installing you will be required to change the Administrator password.
README: Updated all connector readme library entries to reflect the recent Apache location changes
Command Line Client
ALM/QC Connector
Octane Connector
Jira Connector
* See release notes of Connector downloads for additional updates
4.2.0 HF1 Release Notes
NOTE: If you have downloaded connector jars to fix specific issues, the installer will not replace these files. Once you have installed connect you should stop your connect service, navigate to the connector directories and remove older duplicate connector jars (typically same name but earlier versions), then restart the service.
NOTE: If you wish to setup Tomcat with https and secure passwords, an additional encryption jar, client jar for encrypting password and instructions are provided as additional downloads with instructions. The mfcFullRestClient.jar, mfcTomcatExt*.jar and SecuringTomcatPassword.txt are additional materials to aid the secure setup.
The Server command line client (mfcFullRestClient.jar) now has support for getting enums
NOTE: If you are upgrading Micro Focus Connect Core you should uninstall the previous version and reboot before installing. This resolves an issue with prior installations that could cause the JRE to be removed during the upgrade process.
Uninstalling the old version will not remove your Micro Focus Connect Core configuration files, those will remain on disk and be upgraded even though Micro Focus Connect Core was removed.
ALM Connector
Octane Connector
RM Connector
Hub (StarTeam) Connector
AzureDevOps Connector
Jira Connector
ServiceNow Connector
AccuWork Connector
ALM Connector
Octane Connector
CA Agile Connector
Silk Central Test Manager Connector
ServiceNow Connector
Hub Connector
Azure DevOps Connector
** Update on May 10 2019 to correct install / configuration issue.
ALM Octane Connector
Micro Focus Connect now includes a BETA version of an Octane Connector, see the readme in the Octane
connector directory for more details.
Email Connector Enhancements
Fixed bug in reading Gmail messages.
ALM Connector Enhancements
• Fixed a UI issue where duplicate fields would show up in the Connection mapping.
• Fixed bugs regarding field name encoding in double byte languages.
Rally Connector Enhancements
• Added support for read-only multi-valued enums.
• Fixed bug when syncing release values that are null.
• Fixed bug in moving an item and updating other fields at the same time.
• Added support for custom fields in projects.
• Improved overall memory and synchronization performance.
• Fixed a UI issue where duplicate fields would show up in the Connection mapping.
• Fixed bug in detecting deleted items when the user has configured a datasource using a workspace that
is not their default workspace.
• Fixed bug with id property, should be read-only (otherwise can cause improper mappings).
Silk Central Connector Enhancements
• Fixed a UI issue where duplicate fields would show up in the Connection mapping.
• Added sample project to datasource configuration to support lookup of custom fields.
ServiceNow Connector Enhancements
• The ServiceNow connector now supports agile assets, and projects.
• Fixed bug where duplicate enum values would be seen in the UI.
• Improved sync performance for configurations with sync criteria.
• Fixed bug with user and group names in fields.
Hub Connector Enhancements
• When comparing versions to see differences, includes millisecond precision.
• Fixed bug when syncing attachments that have very short names.
• Fixed bug with attachments using the wrong extension.
• Improved detection of trace changes.
General Enhancements
• Improved comparison of rich text fields to reduce update frequency.
• Expanded and updated Audit functionality: Now allows users to query data beyond the last 7 days.
• Improved Rally and Hub move logic to include and correct cases where products might have failed to
move items.
• When clearing watermarks, also clears versions of items so that they can be compared.
• Compare items if their versions change after prior failures.
• Add ability in the UI to run a connection just once, and then stop.
• Allow users to copy/paste audit information in the UI.
• Improve audit records, capture additional failure states and report them back to the user.
• Tomcat security updates impact items that contain '/'. Updated communication methods so that users
don't have to change Tomcat.
• Updated audit to indicate specific fields that may have caused the failure.
• Enhanced automap functionality when mapping types to prefer case-insensitive names before checking
similar names.
• Updated the UI for user fields, to indicate to the user that the field should use the user map instead of
the value map.
• Improved startup performance for Connect systems with lots of recent sync data.
• Fixed bug where errors indicating need to restart connection were not handled.
• Added chart view for queried audit records.
• Improved audit of added items: Record information about the item causing the create.
• Updated the connection messages in the UI, to include more information when a connection cannot be
• Updated lists to be sorted in the UI.
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