This package includes documentation on best practice techniques for onboarding a large collection of Operations Agent nodes with Agent Metric Collection (AMC) using OPTIC Data Lake as well as tools to help configure, monitor and troubleshoot AMC.
The document is focused around the onboarding of hundreds if not thousands of Operations Agent nodes, however, this document can be used for onboarding any size as the document covers best practices in general.
Some of the topics covered in the best practice documentation include:
The tools included with the package consist of:
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Updated documentation for OPTIC DL Cloud Edition 25.1 and added additional information about running the amc-benchmark-tool from within the Kubernetes pods for more precise latency measurements.
Updated amcReport tool with fixes and enhancements.
Updated documentation to mention that OPTIC DL Cloud Edition 24.2 is also supported by this whitepapaer.
Updated amcReport tool to work with 24.2 and earlier versions.
Updated the release of the package to discuss and support OPTIC DL 23.4
Initial release of the package
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