Base Content contains Operations Orchestration content for automating use cases such as: Microsoft Active Directory, Databases (execute generic queries and statements), Email, File System, HTTP Client, Networking, Operating Systems, Remote Command Execution, Scripting (Microsoft PowerShell, Ant, Bash, Groovy, Perl) and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
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This release of the OO Base Content Pack brings the following updates:
This release brings security improvements through third-party library updates. It's recommended that you upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.
For more information please refer to the documentation.
This release of the OO Base Content Pack brings the following updates:
This version of the OO Base Content Pack supports RHEL 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x on the SSH operations. The Remote Command operation under the WinRM folder has also been updated to support RHEL 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x.
A new input (called employeeNumber)
has been added to the Set User General Information operation under Library/Operations/Active Directory/.NET/Users
. This input allows you to set the employee number to change.
For more information please refer to the documentation.
This release of the OO Base Content Pack brings the following changes:
OO Base Content Pack has been signed with the new OpenText certificate.
This release brings security improvements through third-party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.
For more information please refer to the documentation.
This release of the OO Base Content Pack brings the following changes:
The default value of timeout inputs has been increased from 0 (infinite) to 300 seconds (5 minutes) for the HTTP Client v2.0 and Databases operations.
A new operation called XML Encoder, which encodes any string to XML format, has been added under Library/Utility Operations/XML Processing
This release brings security improvements through third-party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.
For more information please refer to the documentation.
What's new in OO Base Content Pack 1.23.5
This release of the OO Base Content Pack brings the following changes:
Third-party library updates
This release brings security improvements through third-party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.
Connection timeout functionality
Connection timeout functionality has been added to the database operations in the Library/Operations/Databases/JDBC/ path with a default of 120 seconds. You can overwrite the default value from System Properties in the central-wrapper.conf by using the database connection property dbConnectTimeout.
New operations added
This content pack introduces the following new operations that have been added under the Library/Utility Operations/Date and Time/Scheduler folder:
- Convert Epoch Time, which converts the unix time into date format.
- Epoch Time Difference, which converts the unix/epoch time into date format and calculates the time difference.
- Scheduler Time, which converts time with a specified timezone and returns the scheduler time.
- Scheduler Time By Hours, which converts time with a specified timezone and returns the scheduler time.
For more information please refer the documentation .
This release brings the AES-256c cipher encryption on the SNMP operations. You can now use the AES-256c symmetric key ciphering algorithm with the SNMP operations.
This version of the content pack supports Microsoft SQL Server 2022.
This version of the OO Base Content Pack supports TLS 1.3 on HTTP Client and winrm_command operations.
This release brings security improvements through third party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.
This version of the content pack brings changes to the content pack publisher. The publisher has been changed from Micro Focus to OpenText.
For more information please refer to the documentation.
What's new in OO Base Content Pack (AFL) 1.23.3
This release brings security improvements through third party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.
For more information please refer the documentation .
What's new in OO Base Content Pack (AFL) 1.22.0
This version supports .Net framework 4.8.
The following Email operations were enhanced to support OAuth 2.0:
Each email provider has a different mechanism to generate OAuth tokens. Please consult your email provider's documentation for more details.
For Office 365 and Exchange Online you can use Get Authorization Token V2 which is available in OO Microsoft Office 365 CP, starting with version 2.4.0, at the following path Library/Integrations/Microsoft/Office 365/Java/Authentication.
For more information please refer the Content Pack documentation .
What's new in OO Base Content Pack (AFL) version 1.21.7
This release brings security improvements through 3rd party library upgrades. It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the Content Pack.
What's new in OO Base version 1.18.0
For more information please refer the Content Pack documentation.
Please upgrade to one of the following broswers: Internet Explorer 11 (or greater) or the latest version of Chrome or Firefox