
Updated on Jan 24

  • Updated the scripts in changeIntegrationUserPwd-2018.08-b01.tar.gz in Operation Toolkit
  • Updated the scripts in itom-sma-operation-tool-2018.05-b4.tar.gz in Operation Toolkit

Updated on Dec 24

  • Release the scripts to reset passwords for SMAX integration users in changeIntegrationUserPwd-2018.08-b01.tar.gz in Operation Toolkit
  • Updated the scripts in itom-sma-dr.2018.08-b10.tar.gz

Updated on Dec 3

  • Updated change password scripts, please use itom-sma-operation-tool-2018.08-b3.tar.gz in Operation Toolkit
  • Enhance cloud deployment with fast-forwarding scripts, and extent support to Azure and AWS

What's new in this release?

  1. Enhancement for SMAX Portal and SMA-SM Service Portal
  2. SMA-SM Smart Analytics enhancement on Hot Topic Analytics (HTA) and disaster recovery solution for Smart Search, Smart Ticket and Hot Topic Analytics
  3. Improvement on Azure and AWS support for SMAX
  4. Enterprise readiness enhancement in the following areas:
  • Installation and configuration
  • Logging and troubleshooting
  • Recovery from planned and unplanned events
  • Improved suite upgrade robustness

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SMAX IDOL Re-index Script 2018.08
2.0 MB
Aug 23, 2018
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Version 2018.05 · 2018.08
Release notes

You can use the provided script to trigger a re-index process in SMAX.  


  1. The script triggers a re-index process. The whole process may take hours depending on your data size and the hardware capacity (CPU, memory and storage I/O). 
  2. The search functionality is temporarily unavailable during the re-index process. 
  3. You must use Python 2.7 or above on the master node of the suite. 
  4. You must have the "root" privilege to execute the script.  

Please follow the steps in the README file.

Cloud deployment 2018.08
65.6 KB
Aug 23, 2018
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This package contains SMAX cloud deployment scripts for AWS and Azure deployments.

The AWS deployment scripts consist of Packer and CloudFormation scripts that enable the AWS automatic deployment. The Packer scripts mainly create new AMI templates based on the provided CDF installation package, while the CloudFormation scripts perform the majority of the auto-provisioning work for CDF and the suite. Starting the SMA2018.05 release, multiple availability zone are supported. For more details, see

Currently, the Azure deployment scripts only contain some fast-forwarding scripts to ease the Azure infrastructure deployment such as OS tuning and thinpool. For more details, see

Service Portal iOS APP 2018.08
Aug 23, 2018
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Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08
Release notes

You can download the app in Apple Store by searching for "Self-Service Portal" or download it from: There is a new Notification function added in this release for iOS.   

Please refer to for more details on SMAX.  

Please refer to for more details on SMA-SM.

Service Portal Android APK 2018.08
9.8 MB
Aug 23, 2018
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Version 2017.11
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08
Release notes

There are multiple service portal enhancements made available in this release. Please go to Google Play and search for "Self-Service Portal" to find the APK or go to the link  

Please refer to for more details on SMAX.  

Please refer to for more details on SMA-SM.

SMA-SM DevOps Support 2018.08
Aug 23, 2018
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Version 9.60
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08
Release notes

Feature Tracker in SMA-SM provides enhanced capabilities to allow the management of an end-to-end development lifecycle. The module utilizes an integration into version control systems to keep track of all your application changes. It enables you to manage and maintain objects changed for tailoring purpose inside SMA-SM upon integration with a Git code repository.In addition the solution helps to simplify the CI/CD process for Service Manager releases. It offers capabilities to commit all code changes, but also deploy all code changes into different environments from within SMA-SM application itself. The solution also provides entitlement capabilities to ensure that a "Review Based Development" approach can be followed, which means that only users with special permissions are able to commit code or deploy code.  

In order to enable this feature, you need go to  to download the unload and apply it to your SMA-SM (either full mode in container or mixed-mode outside container).   

Please make sure to download the latest v1.10 package and refer to the documents packaged in it for more details on how to install and configure.

Service Catalog Aggregation (Beta feature for trial purpose) 2018.08
53.6 KB
Aug 23, 2018
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Version 2018.05 · 2018.08
Release notes

This feature provides key capabilities for SMAX customers to integrate with Service Manager (9.41, 9.50, 9.51, 9.52,  9.60 and 9.61) to:  

  • Aggregate catalogs from  Service Manager  
  • Fulfill requests in Service Manager  
  • Track requests in SMAX portal(as a single systems of record)  

Please follow the instruction to apply the unload   If you have any suggestions or questions, please go to SMA Customer Community to post a Topic.

Diagnostic toolkit 2018.08
5.3 KB
Aug 23, 2018
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The diagnostic tool in diagnostic_tool-2018.08-b9.tar.gz can help you to check SMA suite system information as well as suite service status, including hardware information, network, service status and Kubernetes service status.  It's recommended to run the script before SMA suite installation to make sure all the prerequisites are met.   

Usage: ./ -l|--logfile  

Example: ./ -l system-check.log  

Virtual Agent (Alpha feature for trail purpose only) 2018.08
1.3 MB
Aug 23, 2018
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Release notes

The SMA Virtual Agent (Chatbot) function helps end user to quickly find answers related to their questions. The virtual agent can understand messages from end users in natural language. Support tickets can be created via the virtual agent if end users cannot find answers from the knowledge base. This will save real agent's time from interaction with end users. Service Requests can also be created via the virtual agent if end users cannot find the correct service offerings from within the portal. Please note this is a Beta feature in SMA2018.05 release, the feature can work only with SMAX/SMA-SMA 2018.05 or above.   

If you are SMAX customer, please refer to SMAX_201808_Virtual_Agent_Admin_Guide.pdf from the download package to install and enable the feature.   

If you are SMA-SM customer, please refer to SMA-SM_201808_Virtual_Agent_Admin_Guide.pdf from the download package to install and enable the feature.  

Should you have any questions, please go to SMA Customer Community to post a Topic. The function will be officially released and supported in future release.

Integration support for SMA-SM 2018.08
704.3 KB
Aug 23, 2018
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Skype integration with SMA-SM Chat. The containerized Collaboration provides an embedded Skype plugin and a standalone Skype agent to integrate with Microsoft Skype for Business 2016 only. When you start a conversation in Collaboration, the Skype plugin that is embedded in the Openfire server monitors all the messages. If a participant does not log on to the Openfire server, the Skype plugin will use the participant’s email address as his/her Skype account and then send the message to the Skype server. If the user is available to chat, the Skype agent will launch a conversation with the right user, and then forward the message to him/her on Skype. The detailed installation instruction can be found in the help document in the section of “Install->-Install the suite on-premises->Install CDF and the suite ->Deploy the suite in mixed mode scenario 1"

Integration for SMAX 2018.08
Aug 23, 2018
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Product compatibility
Version 2017.11
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08
Release notes

The OPB integration with Sharepoint 2010 or 2013 does not change in SMA2018.08, Please go to to download the connector.   

For other OPB integrations, please go to Integration Home page in your SMAX to find related information. For more details, please refer to the documentation here:

SMA-SM Master Data onboarding Tool 2018.08
495.5 KB
Aug 23, 2018
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Version 2017.11
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08
Release notes

This toolset can help you import master data from an existing Classic SM system to SMA-SM. Please follow data on boarding steps described in the “Import master data” section under Administrate SMA-SM part from the doc portal here

Mixed Mode Support for SMA-SM 2018.08
164.5 KB
Aug 23, 2018
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You may want to keep your existing implementation for some capabilities that were previously deployed in the classic manner while trying some new functions such as the SMA-SM service portal. We support mixed mode which enables you to use an external classic CMDB system and/or Service Manager system, together with containerized components (Chat, Service Portal, and Smart Analytics).    

Please download this package which contains files to help you enable the mixed mode to the different version of Service Manger: 

  • Service Manager 9.41: CompatibleForNG_SM941to952.unl and CompatibleForNG_Plus_SM941.unl.  
  • Service Manager 9.5x: CompatibleForNG_SM941to952.unl 
  • Service Manager 9.60: CompatibleForNG_SM960.unl  
  • Service Manager 9.61: No need to import unload

Please refer to for more details.  

Regardless of the SM version, if you are using Solr as knowledge search engine for SM, please apply Solr plugin which you can find from, Doing this will enable you to enjoy SMA-SM service portal capabilities on top of Solr search.  Every user can search out the published KM documents according to the user entitlement configuration in Service Management.    

Please refer to "Install Solr plugin for Service Portal Search"  from for more details.

Operation Toolkit 2018.08
92.0 KB
Aug 23, 2018
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Release notes

Operation toolkit provides the following scripts to ease your operation efforts. The toolkit works for the SMA 2018.08 release only.

1. Backup and Restore

In this release, the disaster recovery(DR) toolkit in itom-sma-dr-2018.08-b10.tar.gz can be used to backup and restore following suite data:

  • Kubernetes Configmap, which including the production configurations, such as LDAP, DATABASE, SAML, EMAIL configuration and so on.
  • NFS, which contains the user data such as attachments in tickets.
  • IDOL data and configs
  • Certificates
  • Internal PostgreSQL database for SMA-SM mix mod

For SMA-SM, please refer to for more details.

For SMA-X, please refer to for more details.

To back up and restore an external PostgerSQL database, please follow the instructions at

2. Change FQDN

Use the script in itom-sma-change-fqdn-2018.08-b5.tar.gz to change the FQDN of your suite environment.

For SMA-SM, please refer to

For SMA-X, please refer to

3. NFS sizing guild tool

This interactive tool (NFS_Sizing_Tool.xlsx) can calculate the NFS folder sizes required for your specific on-premises deployment. For SMA-SM, please refer to

For SMAX, please refer to

4. Update list of installed services and delete the pgha service

After upgrading from version 2018.02 to 2018.05, the value of the installedServiceList field in the itsma-common-configmap configmap is incorrect. Running the script in itom-sma-tools-2018.08-b14.tar.gz will correct this field value. Additionally, if your suite is using an external PostgreSQL instance, this script will ask you if you want to remove the pgha service from the list of installed services, because the pgha service is used only when the suite is using the internal PostgreSQL instance. You are recommended to remove the pgha service in this case.

Rfer to the following documents for more information:


5. RabbitMQ Fixing tool

The script are for fixing the issues for the rabbitmq in SMA suite. The support Versions are 2018.05 and above. Please refer to the readme file in fix_rabbitmq-2018.08-b16.tar.gz for details.

6. Password Change

There are tools provided in itom-sma-operation-tool-2018.08-b4.tar.gz as for password change listed below:

Usage: [-h] -d {UCMDB,Idm,Service Management,Suite Administration, SmartAnalytics, Autopass} [--version]

The shell script in changeIntegrationUserPwd-2018.08-b01.tar.gz is used to reset the passwords for the following integration users of SMAX:


Please refer to this document for more information:

SMA-SM Applications Upgrade Utility 2018.08
3.9 MB
Aug 23, 2018
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Release notes

The containerized Service Manager (SM) in SMA-SM 2018.08 is version 9.61, and the version is Service Manager 9.60.p1 in SMA-SM 2018.05. You can use this upgrade utility to upgrade your SM content in the suite from SMA-SM 2018.05 to SMA-SM 2018.08.  Please refer to for more detail.


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