
One problem that can affect customers is when an SSL Certificate either auto-updates say within a Cloud environment or they have expired. Most customers have a means of being able to know when a certificate is due to expire however, some customers need to understand more about SSL certificates in their environment. This application is here to help check the status of the public Certificates they might be using as well as the private.

The application lets customers know when the relevant SSL Certificates for their systems are due to expire. By providing them with Notifications that the Certificate is due to expire in 90, 30, 10 and 1 day’s time. This gives them for an example an understanding that an auto-renewal in AWS is due to take place and on what day. Or if there is no auto-renewal what Hosts need to have a new SSL Certificate and when this needs to be applied. This then helps reduce any possible outages for customer systems.

To achieve this, a new Certificate Checking Tool has been developed that can be placed within the customers SMAX tenant. It uses a simple Rest API call to an Open Source API - to get the Certificate details about Public facing Certificates and holds that data within new Record types contained within a SMAX Application for holding Certificate and Host details. The application also uses the Integration Engine to execute the rest api call and to then check the details of the certificate request against what is held within SMAX.

Version 2 of the Application also has UCMDB Integration to then allow capture of Private SSL Certificates in the customer environment. Within the Release there is also a UCMDB TQL to help collect the required data for the SMAX App which is used within the Integration Engine to collect the required data from UCMDB and pass to SMAX App.

Version 3 of the application is now fully integrated with DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager. This now allows users to import Certificate data directly from DigiCert. As well as this requests for Certificates or needing to revoke certificates can all be managed from within the Certificate Management Tool

Version 1

Allows users to capture the Public SSL Certificate information and hold this data within SMAX records.

Users can also use a catalog offering to request details about a certificate to generate this within the system.

Version 2.1

Enhances the Certificate Checking Tool so that if a Customer has UCMDB and this is collecting Digital certificates this data can be pulled into SMAX.

Fixes the Certificate Checking Tool whereby the Days Remaining calculation wasn't updating so a new Per Schedule rule has been added.

Provided details of new reports to help with Certificate Management practices

Version 3

Changed the Name of the Application to Certificate Management Tool as now with this version customers have the capability to Integrate with DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager. This now gives a greater user experience as they can Request a Digital Certificate along with being able to Revoke a Digital Certificate.

The application workflows and rules have been enhanced to help with the introduction of using DigiCert. To accompany the Application there are now two user guides one for an End User and another for a Certificate Admin so its easier to understand how to make use of the Cerificate Management Tool.

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Certificate Management Tool v3.0
3.5 MB
Feb 6, 2025
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Product compatibility
Version 24.4
Version 25.1
Release notes

This version of the Certificate Management Tool introduces the Integration with DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager.

The Certificate Management Tool now introduces the full lifecycle for managing Certificates from Creation through to Revokation using DigiCert.

To help with this introduction to using DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager a new End User and Admin User guides have been added.


Prior releases

Certificate Checking Tool v2.1
923.8 KB
Nov 7, 2024
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 24.2 · 24.3 · 24.4
Release notes

V2.1 Includes the ability to check the details of a Public certificate using a connection to an Open Source api. Alos includes a zip file containing a UCMDB TQL to check internal certificates that can be used by Integration Engine to populate SMAX records.

Fix provided for the Certificate days left field. The original rule set the number of days left however this value wasn't being updated. This would prevent the user from seeing an accurate figure and the certifcate would stay in Operational Phase.

Changed the Business Rule for the Display Label field to add uniqueness to the name to include Host and valid till date.

Provided two new reports that can be used for Certificate Management purposes:

  1. Certificates due to Expire in under 90 days
  2. Certificate Types

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release-rel-2025-3-2-6337 | Mon Mar 17 22:14:31 PDT 2025