Operation toolkit provides below scripts to ease your operation efforts. The toolkit works for SMA2018.05 release only.
1. Backup and Restore
In this release, we support backup and restore following suite data:
- Kubernetes Configmap, which including the production configurations, such as LDAP, DATABASE, SAML, EMAIL configuration and so on.
- NFS, which contains the user data such as attachments in tickets.
- IDOL data and configs
- Certificates
- Internal PostgreSQL database for SMA-SM mix mode
For SMA-SM, please refer to https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Service_Management_Automation_-_SM:2018.05/Back-up-and-restore_22184314for more details.
For SMA-X, please refer to https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Service_Management_Automation_-_X:2018.05/Back-up-and-restore_22185863 for more details.
For external PostgerSQL database backup and restore, follow https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/continuous-archiving.html instructions to backup and restore.
2. Change FQDN
Use the script in itom-sma-change-fqdn-2018.05.01.tar.gz to change the FQDN of the new environment to the FQDN of the old production environment.
For SMA-SM, please refer to https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Service_Management_Automation_-_X:2018.05/Apply-a-version-update_13578301#Applyaversionupdate-ChangeFQDNandDNSmappingforProduction2
For SMA-X, please refer to https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Service_Management_Automation_-_X:2018.05/Apply-a-version-update_23855187#Applyaversionupdate-ChangeFQDNandDNSmappingforProduction2
3. Update list of installed services and delete the pgha service
After upgrading from version 2018.02 to 2018.05, the value of the installedServiceList field in the itsma-common-configmap configmap is incorrect. Running the update_cmSvcList.sh script will correct this field value. Additionally, if your suite is using an external PostgreSQL instance, this script will ask you if you want to remove the pgha service from the list of installed services, because the pgha service is used only when the suite is using the internal PostgreSQL instance. You are recommended to remove the pgha service in this case.
Document for SMAX https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Service_Management_Automation_-_X:2018.08/version_update_prerequisites
For SMA-SM https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Service_Management_Automation_-_SM:2018.08/version_update_prerequisites
4. RabbitMQ Fixing tool
The script is used for fixing rabbitmq related issues with the SMA suite. This script supports SMA version 2018.05 or later. Please refer to the readme infix_rabbitmq-2018.08-b16.tar.gzfor detailed instructions on how to use this script.
5. PG Migration
The script is used to migrate suite databases for the SMA suites when they are upgraded from 2018.02 to 2018.05.
User Scenarios
After the SMA suite is upgraded from 2018.02 to 2018.05, use this script to do the database migration. If the SMA suite uses the external databases, use this script to migrate the autopass db from internal DB to external DB. If the SMA suite uses the internal databases, use this script to migrate the suite databases from internal singleton PG to internal PGHA.
For SMA-SM, please refer to https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Service_Management_Automation_-_SM:2018.05/post_update_db_migration_cleanup
For SMAX, please refer to https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Service_Management_Automation_-_X:2018.05/post_update_db_migration_cleanup
6. Password Change
There are tools provided in itom-sma-operation-tool-2018.05-b4.tar.gz as for password change listed below:
Usage: action_change_db_pwd.py [-h] -d {UCMDB,Idm,Service Management,Suite Administration, SmartAnalytics, Autopass} [--version]
The shell script in changeIntegrationUserPwd-2018.08-b01.tar.gz is used to reset the passwords for the following integration users of SMAX. Please find the packge in the same session "Operation Toolkit" of SMA2018.08 marketplace space.
- saw-integration-external@dummy.com
- bo-integration@dummy.com
- saw-integration-internal@dummy.com
Please refer to this document for more information: https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Service_Management_Automation_-_X:2018.05/ChangeSystemIntegrationUserPass
7. Move Tenant
The script in Manually move tenant tools.zip is for fixing the issues regarding moving tenants in SMAX. The support Versions are 2018.05.003 and its previous versions.
For details, please refer to https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Service_Management_Automation_-_X:2018.05/2018.05.003